Berita Wine 3.0 Diluncurkan


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Setelah sekian lama dikembangkan , Wine versi 3.0 resmi diluncurkan, dengan berbagai macam peningkatan, seperti :

  • Direct3D 10 and 11 support
  • Direct3D command stream
  • Android graphics driver
  • Improved DirectWrite and Direct2D support
  • Windows 7 now default version
  • Safe DLL search mode
  • Memory improvements
  • Better scaling on HiDPI displays

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After a year ageing in development Wine 3.0 is now available to download.

Wine is, for those of you somehow unaware, a Windows compatibility layer for Linux that lets you, albeit with varied notes of success, run Windows apps on Linux and macOS.

Wine 3.0 is made up of more than 6,000 individual grapes changes, and features a number of big improvements over earlier versions, including:

  • Direct3D 10 and 11 support
  • Direct3D command stream
  • Android graphics driver
  • Improved DirectWrite and Direct2D support
  • Windows 7 now default version
  • Safe DLL search mode
  • Memory improvements
  • Better scaling on HiDPI displays
The latest version of Wine includes improved Direct3D 10 and 11 support. The graphics feature is also now able to work with a greater number of graphics cards.

Among the Direct3D 10 and 11 features supported in Wine 3.0, are compute shaders, stream output, cube-map arrays, layered rendering to 3-dimensional textures and texture arrays, mipmap generation, and depth bias.

Wine 3.0 source is available to download right now. Binary packages for Linux distros and macOS are in the process of being created.

If you’re using Ubuntu you can uncork the latest release of Wine on your system by adding the official Wine repo. Full details on how to do that can be found on the Wine HQ website.

If you fancy letting the release ripen a bit, you could wait for Wine 3.0 to be made available in CrossOver, a commercial application with some extra features.

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