Berita RHEL 8 Diluncurkan


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Pada acara Redhat summit , RHEL 8 diluncurkan, versi terbaru ini mendukung Application Streams, yang mengijinkan tool bahasa, framework dan developer untuk diupdate secara rutin dan sering tanpa mengganggu resource inti.
RHEL 8 juga menyediakan dukungan untuk RedHat container toolkit, berdasarkan standard terbuka toolkit ini menyediakan teknologi untuk membuat, menjalankan dan sharing aplikasi kontainer. Ini menolong developer dalam membangun aplikasi.
RHEL 8 bertepatan dengan diluncurkannya Universal Base Image (UBI) yang mengijinkan kontainer RHEL berjalan pada berbagai macam jenis platform kontainer yang ada. Dengan UBI anda dapat share dan menjalankan aplikasi dimanapun.

RHEL 8 introduces Application Streams, which allow languages, frameworks, and developer tools to be updated frequently without impacting the core resources that have made Red Hat Enterprise Linux an enterprise benchmark. This feature brings quick developer innovation and production stability into the OS.
RHEL 8 also delivers full support for the Red Hat container toolkit. Based on open standards, this toolkit provides technologies for creating, running, and sharing containerized applications. It helps to streamline container development and eliminates the need for bulky, less secure container daemons.
Red Hat 8 coincides with the arrival of the Universal Base Image (UBI) that allows Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) containers to run on any container platform. Using UBI, you will be able to share and run your applications anywhere.
When you run containerized applications on Red Hat platforms like Red Hat OpenShift and Red Hat Enterprise Linux, however, there are some additional values. Subscribers have access to product features and advocacy in the direction of the product roadmap. Running UBI on RHEL/OpenShift, you will get access to:
  • Open source enterprise software
  • Emerging open source technologies
  • The 10-plus-year lifecycle
  • Support and expertise
  • Security and performance measures
Plus, you will have a voice for influencing performance and security requirements.

Some of the other features that are noteworthy in RHEL 8 include:

  • The RHEL web console — providing an intuitive and consistent interface for managing and monitoring RHEL systems
  • RHEL System Roles — automating the more complex tasks when managing and monitoring production systems
  • Support for OpenSSL 1.1.1 and TLS 1.3 — providing the latest standards in cryptographic protection


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