Berita Malware di CCleaner


Staff member
Jika anda memakai Ccleaner setelah tanggal 15 agustus, ato mengupdate software ini, selamat, anda terinfeksi malware.
Seseorang atau organisasi tampaknya telah berhasil menghack repositori ccleaner dan menanamkan malware pada installernya sehingga siapapun yang menginstall versi CCleaner terinfeksi ini maka komputernya manjadi salah satu Bot Network. namun saat ini server bot ini sudah di lumpuhkan.
Untuk sementara, hapus CCleaner dan tunggu update terbaru dari developer CCleaner

If you installed the free version of CCleaner after Aug. 15, a couple of nasty programs came along for the ride. Talos Intelligence, a division of Cisco, just published a damning account of malware that it found hiding in the installer for CCleaner 5.33, the version that was released on Aug. 15 and which, according to Talos, was still the primary download on the official CCleaner page on Sept. 11.

After notifying Piriform, CCleaner was, ahem, cleaned up and version 5.34 appeared on Sept. 12.

I just checked, and the current version available from Piriform is version 5.34. (Piriform was bought by antivirus giant Avast in July.)

If you installed CCleaner 5.33, you're infected
The details are complex, but the upshot is clear: Somebody managed to tack a malware package onto the legitimate distribution file for CCleaner. If you install CCleaner 5.33, your machine hooks into a bot network.

Talos published very convincing logs of attempts by infected machines to hook into the bot Command sites. The primary infection Command server has been taken offline, as has a secondary server.

According to Talos, the Virus Total regimen for checking antivirus products against a submitted sample turned up only one AV package that correctly identifies this infection, "Win.Trojan.Floxif-6336251-0."

Antivirus packages will likely increase their detections in the next few hours, but it’s still concerning.

Reuters, Avast estimates that “2.27 million users had downloaded the August version of CCleaner.” It isn’t clear from the report if that’s the total number of downloads for CCleaner 5.33. Reuters goes on to quote Avast as saying the C2 server was closed down on Sept. 15 “before any known harm was done.”

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