Berita Google Meluncurkan Web Untuk SEO


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Baru baru ini Google meluncurkan sebuah tool berbasis web yang dikususkan untuk melihat implementasi SEO pada web anda, situs ini dapat di akses pada alamat :
oh iya, domain .dev ini merupakan TLD domain terbaru yang juga diluncurkan baru-baru ini oleh Google.
Dengan memasukkan alamat web anda dan klik TEST SITE maka otomatis tool ini akan melakukan analisis pada beberapa faktor SEo yang penting, yaitu :
1. Performa : cepat lambatnya akses ke web anda
2. PWA: Perbandingan web anda dengan standar web yang berlaku
3. Best Practices: Beberapa tes kebiasaan yang baiknya diterapkan pada web anda, misalnya penggunaan HTTPS dan rasio gambar yang benar.
4. SEO: Cek tingkat keteraksesan web anda
5. Aksesibilitas: Cek aakah ada kesulitan ketika mengakses konten pada web anda.

Kelima parameter ini akan ditampilkan pada grafik Pie dan detail akan terlihat di daftar di bawah grafik tersebut dimana anda akan diberikan advice perbaikannya.

berita lengkap :
Google has launched a new tool that measures many aspects of a website, including how well it follows SEO best practices.

The new tool is currently in open beta and available at is designed to help developers and site owners apply modern web capabilities by providing analysis and recommendations.

Google says this tool is the culmination of 10+ years learning about user needs.
In an effort to help site owners provide the best possible experience for users, has audits for SEO, performance, accessibility, and more.

The tool looks for:

  • Performance: Audits for metrics like first paint and time to interactive to determine lag.
  • PWA: Assesses your page against the baseline Progressive Web App Checklist.
  • Best Practices: Looks for everything from HTTPS usage to correct image aspect ratios.
  • SEO: Checks for best practices to ensure your site is discoverable.
  • Accessibility: Checks for common issues that may prevent users from accessing your content.
Any site can be measured simply by entering the URL. Here’s what it looks like after measuring Search Engine Journal
Beneath the section pictured in this example is a list of recommended improvements.

Recommendations are listed in the order of how great an impact they will have on the site. This takes the guesswork out of deciding what to prioritize.

A detailed report can also be downloaded which provides further guidance on how the site can be improved in each area.

Reports are generated on a daily basis. So if the recommendations are implemented immediately, it may not be reflected in the report until the next day.
