Berita Google Chrome Tahun 2018


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Apa yang menjadi rencana Google pada tahun 2018 untuk browsernya?
Google akan memasukkan fitur auto playing pada audio di Chrome 64. tentunya untuk beberapa perkecualian, seperti untuk iklan-iklan dengan suara maka secara default Google akan mute suara itu sampai user/pengguna mencapai situs dan menghidupkannya.

Google will strangle most auto-playing audio in early 2018 when it issues Chrome 64, the upgrade expected to ship Jan. 21-27, the search giant promised last week.

"Chrome will be making auto-play more consistent with user expectations and will give users more control over audio," wrote Mounir Lamouri, a Chrome software engineer, in a post to a company blog.

With Chrome 64, auto-play contents - often, but not always, advertisements - will not be allowed to run automatically unless it mutes the audio. There will be some exceptions, including a very large one: If the user has clicked or tapped (desktop Chrome or mobile Chrome, respectively), "somewhere on the site during the browsing session," the audio may play.

That exclusion means that auto-play audio won't sound as soon as the user reaches a site -- the biggest complaint about the practice -- but the content could later begin running its video and echoing its audio.

Other browser makers have similar ideas. Apple, for instance, will introduce per-site and web-wide controls over auto-play in Safari 11, the browser set to ship with macOS High Sierra on Sept. 25.

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